As far as the internet goes, I can't live without it. My business is virtual so I am either online or checking email most of the day. I take a break at night and try not to come near my office, but sometimes I will if I've taken a chunk of time during the day to do something other than work.

I could certainly do without TV because as someone else said, there's not much to watch that interests me. My husband and son who is currently living home, love sports. I only watch with them if there is absolutely nothing else to do. However, when my son isn't home, I will occasionally watch just to keep hubby company.

Due to Comcast's stupidity, we were without a home phone for one whole month. We only had our cells, and I've got to tell you, other than being ticked with Comcast for lying day in and day out, I enjoyed the phone not ringing. Our house hadn't been that peaceful, ever. Only the people who knew our cell numbers could get in touch with us and that's all that really mattered.

So - I can't live without the internet,
can live without phone land line,
but do need a cell,
and can live without TV.

What else do you do while you are online? Do you play games, work, video chat, etc.?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.