I was pretty good about not over-eating this holiday.

Third day of leftovers, and counting. Finished cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Still wayyy too much stuffing in that big casserole dish. I'm tempted to add things to pizzazz it up, but that will just mean MORE stuffing, and we'll never get rid of it.

I'm also still shuffling leftovers from a dinner group on Monday. I like leftovers -- up to a point. I like the no-new-cooking and no-more-pots part. But I really want to eat OUT tomorrow, so I don't feel obligated to recycle the same old food.

The good news is -- no turkey. The last time we had turkey (5 years ago?) we were still eating it in January. I'm surprised no one got food poisoning! So ever since then, we've had a turkey-less T-Day.

Which is probably why we have so much stuffing
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