I am also a country girl. When I speak of the city, I'm referring to our small Portland,Maine which I've lived in off and on for the past 30 years. I was born and raised in the country and roamed woods and fields growing up. There was a time that I liked the busyness of city life and all the sights but I intend to be where I am forever now. The only time I left to actually take up residence elsewhere was a year and a half while I was "finding myself" at age 22 in Colorado. Here at home, we have no one living behind, in front(across the road) or beside us. I love the peacefulness and yet we can crank the blues music on my husbands fantastic garage system while we're in the yard...and we don't bother anyone at all! I have flower gardens and plenty of space. It's where I belong now. Of course, I still love traveling around and being in the city, especially during the holidays. I'm a born and bred Maniac and I plan to stay that way. It's been so interesting to read about where you all are and why you like it!
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett