I live in a village two miles from where I grew up.
My Grandmother's family go way back My Grandfather was an "incomer" from the Highlands.
So I am known to many people in the town.People I went to school with and the parents of the children my children went to school with.
I also did youth work and worked in schools in the nearest big town.
I am therefor many things to many people.
The capable adult who led the youth and the professional to those from my schools.
But to some mostly elderly now people I am the little girl who was reared by her Grandparents and whose Mother died.
Even on my sixtieth birthday I felt this dual role.In fact so many people knew due to others of my generation having the big Six Zero.
I am shown love by many...reminded of my background by some and choose to use a pen name when writing even when the BBC use poems because I need to retain my anonimity so I can say what I want to.
The fact my Father came here after Arhnem is mentioned now and then I am asked where he is now..This is usually after
Remembrance day and people must talk amongst themselves.
So going to the city gives me a feeling of being just me...
I am used to the town I grew up in and find most of what happens amusing..the sheer lack of bounderies is at time funny.Mind you these elderly people are usually folk who have not travelled much and no doubt have little else to interest them.A new generation is springing up due to house building and times are changing.
Two of my Aunts married farmers from the village I now lie in but somehow this is beneficial...they moved further away to farm and the remaining decendents can be counted on as good neighbours.
Interestingly my own children have travelled a lot and I feel this is in sharp contrast to myself..
the little country mouse who visits the city sometime.
Mountain ash