Thanks for wondering how I'm doing. I'm doing fine. Please pray for swift sale of the house. (I'm out of money to pay the mortgage and it's due today) I need a MIRACLE! And God is the One who can PROVIDE IT!

I am still working on the last few chapters of the book God told me to write and will begin looking for a market for it shortly--would really like to find an agent to do this--(working full-time, having to move and start over-I don't have tons of time to query lots of publishers)

And, I now have clear direction on how to write about finding out your husband is a gay pedophile without making it a tell all. I will write an inspirational romance novel! The heroine finds out her husband lives a double life. As she goes through all the struggles-the only one there to help shoulder the load and takes her through is Jesus. The ultimate story is the growing love relationship between the heroine and her Savior!

Anyway, all is well. Thanks for all the prayers and concern. Lots more to go through, but God is covering me along the way! Have a great day all! Love to all!