orchid, I'm self taught too...
I remember the days when I used Lotus 1-2-3... had to create my own macros, using formulas from memory. Then connect the cells with other formulas. Quite a feat compared the the newer softwares. In accounting, one misplaced formula answer, could take hours/days to fix. I love not having to do that anymore, but then I think of the brain cells wasted having it done by the click of the mouse.
Instead of Word, we used a stripped down, bare bones word processor. Boy, how things have changed... esp. the Word 2007. I've been helping a sister with some course work - I have 2003, she has 2007. Helping her over the phone began as near impossible, but it has gotten better as she's learned what means what and where to find it.
We have to stay up with the updates, or we are left behind when big changes take place.
Some upgrades are better in regards to getting projects done (and done quicker with fewer mistakes), but are they robbing us of things we should be doing naturally and with our own brains.