-Wear strong, solid colors, no stripes, checks...

-Arrive early.

-Review your message.

-Speak in short, succict sentences.

-Show your passion for your topic.

-Natural hand gestures, enthusiasm.

-Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer.

-Don't look at the camera.

-Maintain control.

-Don't wait to be asked the right questions. You can help shape the interview.

-Say things like:
I'd like to make this point before I continue.

That's a good question, but what is really important is...

Let me give you the latest information. This is really interesting.

These are ways you can be sure to get your message across.

-Remember, you are the expert on your topic. Don't be afraid to share your information.

-The audience wants to hear you, not the interviewer.

-Be prepared and share tightly constructed responses.

-Be honest.

-Be aware of the space. Do not lean on a desk, swivel in a chair, etc. If you're on a stool, use the wrungs. Try not to sit back in chair. Be interactive.

-Have fun.

This informaiton is taken from my media training with CBS anchor Vic Carter. He is a lovely man. So nice you wouldn't believe it. Great laugh, great smile, great personality, great man!

Hope it helps.