I am on the road right now, and using a French keyboard (and cannot find all the punctuation marks) so bear with me as I type this. I will not have access to a computer again until Sunday night.

I would love some pointers, and thank you for thinking to ask! I did public speaking all through my school years, and have spoken and sung in front of huge crowds, but have never been on tv before. I do not know even what to ask you, but certainly am grateful for any tidbits of wisdom you could pass along. I will certainly be praying for guidance and for the words HE wants me to say during the interview, since it is OUR message, not just my own.

I do not have much time to prepare because we get home on Sunday night and my interview is June 8th. I am trying to focus on three main points I want to make during the interview...but besides those, will probably just go with the flow of the questions.

The number one point I hope to be able to make is that people who are depressed have not been abandoned by God...this is a common fear/belief among so many of the depressed women I have met, including myself. There is a deeply entrenched belief that we are "beyond redemption". That is one thing I most want to challenge in the interview.