Hello all you fabulon women! I"ve read all the posts to this original one from Dotsie and have to say there is so much good info here. I didn't know where else to post this but it will surely be something different for some of you, ever considered joining a walking club and entering some form of "race?" I say race but really for me and some friends it's just a goal rather than a competition.
For a 3rd year in a row, my best friend and I will power walk, (Well she jogs but I'm in the unhappy knee category so no pounding for this girl) the MORE Magazine Half Marathon for women over 40. We started as a "well what the hell and it will be something different" for her birthday as the date coincided that year. We trained little, figured "how bad could it be?" and lived to tell the story but not in full sentences. But we were hooked.
So last year we shaved 15 minutes off of our time and had done a better job of getting ready physically. This year I had a vision of coming in at 2:46:03 on the clock over the finish line. You can see we are not talking speed here just the joyous feeling of doing something which celebrates our health, friendship, and finishing the job.
Last year we decided that a few spa treatments, starting with a sauna, then a massage and finally foot pampering were in order and boy did that feel good.
I've got 2 medallions on beautiful ribbons from the two previous races and I can't wait to add my 3rd. If you'd like to follow our pre-race training and occasional bitching and moaning about said training we've got a blog-www.chrisandgreg.wordpress.com.
Whatever you choose my BW, keep moving for your mental and physical health. It's important whether the scale moves or not.