Before I answer to my own changed topic title above to chatty, would like to respond to Hannelore:

Wow, that is a long bike trip if your family didn't do much cycling prior to the castle trip. Yes, sounds memorable. Yes, we've had the occasional day that it rained while cycling to next destination..cycling for 5-6 hrs.

My lst multi-day bike trip (and hauling my own sleeping bag, clothing) was 500kms. in Vermont. I didn't know how to use my multiple bike gears properly. Vermont has rolling hills. And drove my partner a little nuts from frustation.

Needless to say, I learned after returning from trip how to make my cycling easier by understanding which gears to use.

For chatty & others:
I asked the cycling women forum members to tell you all their stories of: benefits of cycling, their age and why they love it. Also weight loss stories. I didn't realize until now, how many women in our age bracket and up.

Dotsie: You told me you loved your bike as a child...well, here is evidence, it is never too late to return to childhood bliss.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)