Of course I dance for exercise, but besides that, I have my hobbies to get out my energy and stay in shape. I do walk, a lot, and run steps.
I do this because the only muscles not damaged by dance are my running mucsles! I have to just dance, no warm up, no stretching because my muscles have taken such a beating they no longer need to warm up and a warm up is just hurting them needlessly.

If you did aerobics for any length of time you may be facing the same problem. You may do the hips, knees and ankles damage but doing too much walking or with certain exercises.

This is why yoga is so popular. It uses muscles not destroyed by jogging or aerobics and still works to get you in shape. It is healthy for you and does not damage any muscles sheerly by the practice of doing it right.

Everyone should try a beginning yoga class before they shrug it off. It might be different than you expect and it may be the answer to your exercise problems. It builds strength, it helps with stretching, it is a complete body workout without banging on knees or feet or any other part of your body and it is done in a calm and relaxing atmosphere!

Just another vote for Yoga!


"Question your privilege"