I walk every day too and don't lose any weight. I joined a gym and went five times a week for a year. Spent an hour on the treadmill and did not lose a pound. My doctor told me that 92% of weight loss is diet. I have a friend who had gastic bypass surgery. She lost over 100 pounds in one year and didn't exercise or walk at all. The reason she lost weight is because she cut her calorie intake. There have been studies with people who cut calories and didn't exercise and people who just exercised and ate the same and the people who cut calories lost the weight.

I thought I didn't eat very much and I don't compared to what I used to eat years ago but it has to be my portions.
So my new years resolution is to keep a food diary. I eat without even thinking and I'm sure I am consuming much more calories than I realize.

Exercise keeps the doctor away, keeps stress away and makes you feel wonderful, but, doing exercise and not cutting the calories will not help you lose weight. There was a show on this subject on CNN and they were not discouraging exercising at all but the scientists and doctors did come to the conclusion that it's all about calorie intake, not exercise.

This was a controversial show because they talked about the billion dollar fitness industry, diet industry etc. etc. They do not want people to know this.

I for one love to walk outdoors and mix it up with the gym. I lift weights and that is good for boomer women as we need to do weight training for our health and bones and to maintain muscle.

I'm trying the calorie reduction and will continue to exercise and hope it slowly comes off. I started the G.I. Diet today. http://www.gidiet.com
My fitness instructor at the gym told me this is what I need to lose the weight, in combination with working out of course. So, it's a new year and I'm going to try it.

Also, I was sent a wonderful book by Darlene full of helpful exercises which you write down and work through. Her info has been invaluable to me.

Here's hoping I'm on to something. But it's really simple we just don't want to admit it. Cut out all the white stuff, process stuff, sugar etc. Eat lots of vegetables and lean meat and fish. Cut out the red meat (contributes to cancer in women) Cut down on cheese, fat, butter dairy products in general and of course desserts. The sad but true fact and deep down we all know it.