Two years ago I gave up the walking for the very same reason. However, I didn't do anything different so the weight piled on. So 6 months ago I started walking again. It about did me in to walk 2 miles which I use to be able to do in less than 1/2 hour but I walk with two other ladies who are seasoned walkers. For a time they slowed down for me then one day we all realized that they didn't have to slow down any more. I could walk without huffing and puffing and even talk at the same time! Now we do 4 miles 5 days a week and even with all our gabbing have managed to set a new record - 4 miles in 53 minutes. I have dropped 21 pounds and two dress sizes because the inches are melting away. I've kind of reached a plateau so I just started strength training exercises with light weights and a few pilates. I feel beter already.

"If you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done."