An example of God's whispers. I made a special trip to put my name in a drawing for a key to a car to be given away at our local Decatur Celebration. It's a huge block party, anyhoo, I thought "Why not?' Things have been going my way and I think I'm the happiest I've ever been. I seem to be getting the breaks, or maybe I'm just listening more. So, I make the trip to put my name in a box, and I meet a man there for the same drawing, we got to talking and he said he was a good friend of one of the DJ's at the radio station. Sooooo, that same DJ is the one that I asked to listen to the song I wrote. So, even if I don't win, I was supposed to be there just for someone to give Tim a little nudge to at least call and let me know what he thinks of it. So many more things happening. I need to start a whole new post to catch you up on everything.