Perhaps, the guy can't help the way he acts? My husband was raised by very private people; none of his family can put three WORDS together. His mom's a little more outgoing, now.
But it's been over 25 years that we've been married. His
brother talks less than he does. They don't know how to express affection; they don't how to say sweet nothings; they don't know how to even write lovey-dovey stuff. Some of it could be gender. It's been my experience that guys good at coming on strong, also cheat. The man must have some good qualities. Something attracted you to him. Focus on his best; and like Dotsie says, tell him what bugs you.
I haven't seen a perfect man, yet. Though, my dad was close to perfect. My hubby has his faults but so do I. As I've heard others say, "There was only ONE that was perfect and you know what they did to HIM!"
Prayers and blessings...