
I am sorry that you are unable to understand my words. The laws or forces of which I speak do NOT emanate from the human experience or vibrations. They are part of the Divine Order that is integral to the ONE. They just are. They are not affected by our use of them. We are affected by the use we make of them. All of these forces are simply being used by each of us in varying degrees of understanding in order for us to move toward the ONE.

In order to do that, we have to recognize that we are Creative Beings, for that is the nature of the ONE. BECOMING THE ONE is a journey, and whether we like it or not, we have to take the steps involved with that journey. We can talk in absolutist terms about the end of the journey, but it will not help us make the steps that will get us there.

Most of us do not have the consciousness to leap from our limited perspectives that are inherent to the human experience to an absolute full awareness (and by that I mean, a demonstrating awareness - a Jesus awareness) of our Oneness.

There is a good reason for this. The process that we go through on this journey to expressing fully adds to the Universe through our creative efforts. The value of our journey mirrors the process God created for the caterpillar to go through to emerge as a butterfly. Without that process - in other words, if you cut open the cocoon and the butterfly never has to go through the process of awakening itself to the new experience of not being grounded, so to speak - it dies.

Knowing the destination is not the same as understanding how to get there from here. To get there, a person has to learn to consciously demonstrate their creative nature, and that means making the journey (becoming) and understanding the immutable laws that are part of the Divine Order that is inherent to the ONE.

Just so that you do not misunderstand, the basic concepts that I have discussed are not original with us. They are the basis for many schools of thought, including Unity and UCRS, not to mention philosophers, such as Ouspensky, Teilhard, Emerson, and many others. We are merely sharing our personal experiences on our journey with these concepts.
