It seems like the more you exercise, the more you have to exercise. Does that make sense?

Kate, as far as the heels are concerned, you may have planter faciitis. Google it. My sister had it and it took forever to go away. Try to nip it when it begins. There are different stretches you can do, and there are braces you can sleep in to keep your heel stretched at night.

Hannelore, I am trying not to a anything after dinner during the week. NOTHING, and I've been doing it.

Georgia, I am cutting out the bad foods, trying. Instead of eating crackers or Tostitos, I am eating a clementine or an apple.

Cookie, I also think it's menopause. Actually, I think it's because I'm on the pill. I've never been on it in my life, except for a couple months when I had a cyst on my ovary. I am going to talk to my gyn about it. I know that's when I started gaining.

orchid, you are right about adding something different. I wish I like to run, but I can't stand it. Plus my knees are too bad to run. We are talking about getting an elyptical trainer for the basement, but they are 2-3 thousand dollars. Since we belong to the Y where there are many elypticals, I don't think we'll so it. I need to get my butt to the Y is what I need to do.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.