Like JJ said, there have been some who have come to "stir things up", unfortunately leaving others with the feeling that their voices are no longer valid or wanted or safe here. This hurts me, and all of us, when we see these voices and wisdoms silenced for whatever reason. All we can do is to continue to strive to make this a safe place for all who come here, welcoming and embracing the wisdom and light each one brings through their unique life experience.

I for one believe it's no accident that women find us. I stumbled in here having no idea whatsoever what this place was...but within hours of posting my first post (a desperately lonely cry for help), I knew without a doubt that it was no accidental stumbling at all! This was EXACTLY where I needed to be at the time, and it's still exactly where I'm supposed to be, "paying it forward" and helping others who stumble in here.

It's not always easy or possible to meet everyone's needs here; many of us are wounded and deal with ongoing issues that aren't pleasant to cope with. All we can be is who we Princess said, it ain't always pretty, but it's almost always the truth of who we are, and at the core of that is a profound caring and hope for the well-being of all who enter here.

I'm like LadyJane with respect to really taking the cares and concerns of the women here to heart...although I may not always feel able to respond publicly, I ALWAYS carry the women here in my heartprayers throughout the day and especially during insomniac nights. It's no burden, it's one of the few gifts I'm still capable of giving - to be able to pray for people.

It is painful at times. I've been very worried about someone who posted what sounded very much like a suicidal farewell here several months ago. I haven't been able to reach her, and have no idea how stressed me out so much for many weeks, but eventually all I could do was offer it up to God and ask Him to take care of her because she was out of my reach. Those situations (people leaving for negative reasons) are sad and painful for those of us who care deeply for this place and the women within this community. But we can only do what we can, and then hope that others more wiser and capable - and/or God - will fill in the gaps.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)