Lion, you're something. Just pray for me. He's asking me to do something and I'm being stubborn. It has to do with the future of this site. I'm not totally ignoring. I'm beginning to get my feelers out and do a little more research to see if I can make the move. I have no doubt that He is calling me. I have no doubt that He wouldn't ask me to make the move if He won't give me what I need to do it successfully. I think I just need time. It's a whisper at this time, but there is such clarity.

TVC, when bad things happen often, remember the death...then resurrection of Christ. I try to hold onto that when I feel I'm being tested. The sun/Son will always shine again.

Lynn, I'm convinced God has something wonderful in store for you. One day you are going to look bacak and ask why you didn't leave that job sooner. I'm praying for Him to reveal the next step for you.

Lynn329, thank you for always sharing your stories for the benefit of helping soemone else. You're so good at it and the stories you choose are perfect for each situation.

Chatty, screamed lovingly. Love it!

Thistle, I can totally relate to being ahead of God. For me the feeling is out of control. Then I need to nestle in with Him and get myself back on track. Freight train comes to mind. S L O W down.