I write about adolscent addiction on my blog at motherwarriors.blogspot.com almost every day. One thing we deal with here in Wisconsin is binge drinking, but it's not just adolescents. I just watched an AMA video for training doctors to spot binge drinkers (for men, 5 drinks in 2 hours, for women 4 drinks in 2 hours). 69 percent of binge drinkers are over 26. That means a lot of parents are modeling binge drinking behavior for kids. Not good.

The AMA video seemed confused, however, about what constitutes problem drinking and what constitutes alcoholism. If binge drinking causes an enormous percentage of car accidents, accidental pregnancies, date rapes, and other criminal behavior--I think it's affecting one's life to the extent that you could say this person is an addict. What do you think? Thanks.