TV, hang in there. Before there is harmony, there is always disharmony. My husband and I had been planning to move to Colorado forever. I waited 35 years to get here. That was God whispering to me that Colorado is the place where I'd feel at home. You would not believe all that we went through to get here. Everything went wrong before it went right. Just because it is God's will does not make it easy. Prior, we lived in St. Joseph MO for 6 years, a place we did NOT want to go to, but a job was available there. Although I dislliked St. Joseph, I made a personal and professional niche for myself that was extraordinarily valuable. I had cancer there, and the regional cancer center was a God send. Sometimes the disharmony is not so much about US, but what we can do for OTHERS while in the midst of what seems to NOT be on our wish list. Here's another example: when I met my husband, I knew almost immediately that he was for me, even though I told him that I had been married and I would never marry again. Fast forward 4 years: I wanted to marry, and he didn't. Major disharmony, disappointment, loss. I left him. Three weeks later, he calls and asks me to marry him. That disharmony prior to the marriage commitment was a huge learning experience for me: God had whispered to me that this was my soul mate, yet I had been selfish and impatient and had not taken Woody's personal timing into consideration. I learn all the time that it is not about me: it is about God's will and purpose for our lives, and what we can do for others. I'm sorry for the lecture. I didn't mean to sound like that. I'm wondering what Dotsie is facing that has her shaking in her boots! Love and Light, Lynn