Thank you all so very much.

Carolyn, we will check into that walker. Dennis is not covered by medicare, but if his doctor writes an order, perhaps his insurance will cover that walker. We were going to buy a cheap one, so it is great to know that there is one that is right just for Parkinsons.

He goes to the Struther's Clinic, and they specialize in Parkinsons. Unfortunately, the social worker there is not on his favorites list, and I don't think she will be much help to us. Fortunately, I work with social workers and they may be able to help us out with getting social security benefits and medicare.

Renee, as we go through the process of getting him into the social security program, I will take you up on your offer to pm you. You are so sweet to help me out. Thanks.

Lenora, thanks. Thanks, thanks, thanks.

JJ, he was a college student during the Vietnam war. So no veteran benefits. I am glad he was not on the front, but also wish he had those beautiful benefits.

Chick, thanks for the link. I did check it out and it looks as though he may qualify - he has many of the symptoms that are listed, but not every single one of them. That confuses me, however, as no one parkinson's patients symptoms are like anothers. We may have to work a bit to get there.

Hannelore, you are such a wonderful friend. I appreciate your very kind words and thoughts.

Thank you, one and all. I appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers, and kindness. You are the best women in the world, and I mean that with all sincerity.

Love you all. Ann

ps. Lola, thanks for the pm with the information. You are a gem and a wonder.
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