Hi Dotsie, good question. Are you in this boat? I have the nasty human ego habit of ignoring God's whispers until I get hit in the head with a hammer. My husband says I have ODD: Oppositional Defiance Disorder. He says if he wants me to do something he will tell me the opposite so that it gets done. I absolutely fret and whimper and whine and worry myself to death dwelling on what I should do or not do, and if it's for the highest good. First God has to yell at me, and then has to reassure me repeatedly when I am finally on the right path. It takes me forever and a day to second guess what God has put in my heart. Sometimes, by the time I get it, it is too late! But then, I get another opportunity. I'm not one to just go with the flow. I have to hem and haw. I do wish I had a little more faith and a little less doubt. It's not that I am afraid of God failing me, I am afraid of me failing God. So if it's whispered about my next move, I am afraid I won't do it right, so I sometimes don't do it at all. Then I'm charged with it again, so I might as well get with it the first time around! Love and Light, Lynn