Saundra, I don't know how you stay in the heat all day. I bet a nice cool shower feels good when you get home.

gerrbeck, congrats on getting back out there. The weather in MD this time of year is great for walking. My walking partner called this mroning to cancel. She quietly whispered into the phome that she didn't sleep well and needed to catch a few more winks. Determined, I hooked the Ipod to my arm and took off alone. I only hook the ear piece in one ear so I can hear people sneaking up on me.

What do you do at the karate school? Our boys took karate when they were young. The oldest was on the demo team and performed in front of crowds and stuff. He also helped teach. He stopped at brown due to other school sports.

Anne, your life sounds so laid back. How cool is that?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.