Eagle, what a lovely story that seems to have struck a cord for many of us as we recall loved ones through pieces we have.

Meredith, excellent idea. Love it!

This post saddens me for another reason. My dear friend who lost her son last week has no other children to leave things to. That breaks my heart. She is also an only child. I am definitely battling with God over this loss.

I have a bookshelf that was moms. I can't get rid of it because I recall how she anguished over getting rid of the majority of her book collection when she moved from the house in which we are all raised. She took only a few to their apartment and I know it was hard on her. Boy can I relate. My book collection grows weekly and I can't imagine having to part with the majority of them.

What do you have that you would like to see passed along to your loved ones? Anything?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.