
Treasures, like your dresser, take up so much room in this house. But much of what's in here - as far as furniture, wall hangings, china, figurines, books, grandma Lewis's organ, framed documents from the Mexican/American Border dispute, etc. -- how could I possibly give them away to anyone other than someone in this family?

These are treasures and they belong to many other people, not just us.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a museum. Another generation of cousins is now marrying and I'm hoping these members of our family will show some interest in keeping these family heirlooms. (I may have butchered that word.)

Although I married into this family, while I've been caring for these treasures, I am aware of their value as reminders of those who lived generations before.

I do understand how you feel about that dresser. Absolutely understand.

Also, you are still in the early stages of grief and, so I've heard and lived through, myself, objects or dates will sometimes catch you off guard and tears may fall for a day or so.

I think your idea of making note of who used this dresser - and when - is a wonderful way to honor those who have passed over.

I'm not writing this as nicely as I would like, but I have to go someplace and wanted to respond, at least.

Be gentle to yourself,