Yes, yes, yes, there is so much talk about communal living, especially for older women, because, of course, women out live men. Even if we weren't interested in men, women tend to be single in later years. This past week I had dinner with friends in their 60s and we envisioned this very thing. I would love to be able to bring what I know I can do to the commune: organization, painting and journaling classes, etc. Just don't get me near the stove. Anno, your chosen picture for BWS has a look of longing, expectation, and "readiness" to it. Also, I knew for a long time that my mom had memory problems. The thing is, she hung on mentally for so long...even though I waited 35 years to tell her the troubles of my childhood, she kept her mind together until I could tell her. Now that she has remembered all that she had to, it seems that her mind told her enough is enough. However, she has developed some habits that trouble me, such as dressing in a small closet because she thinks "others" are watching. So sad. Sometimes I just want to move in with M/D. How in the world Anno did you have Parkinsons as the condition for you to deal with? What a mystery illness.