Gerribeck thank you for your understanding. I find the more I do for my Mom the more she needs me. I think that is typical for older people. In German they would say it's like a barrel without a bottom.

Last night I couldn't sleep. So many things were going through my head. My Mom has been asking me to do more things with her; and this after I spent an entire day from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM driving her around to lakes and mountains. I have found a lady to help me out, but she's on vacation till September. Then of course our 18 month old grandbaby is living with us. I still have my real-estate business, which is still running, but has been cut to about 50% since I just don't have the time. And last but not least, I have to make sure Hubby doesn't feel neglected.

Honestly, the only thing I do for myself is chat with you ladies. Forget painting, reading or writing...that's all on a backburner. Sometimes I have problems coming to terms with that, and instead of getting the sleep I so direly need, I can't sleep, and mull over everything. It feels good to know that so many of you have gone through this and survived. Thankyou so much for your support and good wishes.