I'm sending Hannelore all my best thoughts for taking care of Mom and there's tons of love inside for her AND for her Mother.

I just spent a week with my four sisters and Mom in Panama City Florida. We had a private pool, beautiful, beautiful home and I want to say that more than once I realized two things...

1. My Mother is so frail from the congestive heart failure and this could possibly be the FIRST and the LAST time that she has a vacation with all of her daughters.


2. I love my family so much it fills my heart.

Here we are...I'm not bald-headed, I just have my hair french-braided...forgive.

BOTTOM ROW - Mary Lee, Amy, Brenda
TOP ROW - Mom, Paula, da Queen

Purdy, ain't they?

Edited by jawjaw (08/06/07 10:00 PM)