I dreamt about this little girl last night, after saying prayers when I read Chatty's post. I dreamt there was a desert dust storm (also known as dust devils in the desert) and she (the little girl) was in the midst of it, and I (who me?) lifted her off the ground and out of the midst of the storm to safety in the palm of God's hand. (He's got the whole world in his hands...) Her name in the dream was Katie (I woke up thinking of Chatty) Katie's mother's name was Sally, which means "friendly." In the dream, we were all the village, as in "it takes a village." No need to analyze the dream more here, that's not what I am saying, but it does seem that this tragedy arrived on this thread in the midst of a stirring storm. Do we want to start a new thread for Chatty's friends and neighbors? Just a thought. I'm not usually the one to start prayer threads, but I'd like to move on from my own self, with gratitude, of course, to all of you who spent your time and love when I was in need. L, PL