Lynn, Renee and everyone. I haven't been here of late because my friends, usually full of life little girl, age 4 was struck by a neighbors car as she backed out of her driveway two days ago. The child was crushed under her wheels. We have been sitting a vigil for that past couple of days as this beautiful child fought for her life. Last night at 1:16 a.m. she lost her fight. The woman who ran over her was there sitting alone in the hospital, further down the hall, afraid to approach her once good friend and neighbor. At around 2:00 a.m we were leaving for home when the dead childs mother noticed the neighbor there in the hallway and walked up to her hurriedly. We we afraid there was going to be an altercation, but instead the neighbor fell to her knees sobbing and the childs mother lifted her up and hugged her, and they walked out together arm in arm. So let me ask you all, especially you my dear friends Lynn and Renee, was that something easy for that mother to forgive?? I think not and yet she did. She realized the pain the neighbor, someone who was her friend, was suffering and would suffer forever more. Please ladies, think sometimes of the other persons pain before your own. Most of us have made a silly mistake unintentionally, and probably will again. Its the principle of "those living in a glass house." Now let it be, say a prayer for one another and lets continue business as usual, loving one another, imperfections and all...please! And if you would, please all say a prayer for baby Lisa who is in heaven now, and will never have the chance to make her own mistakes.

Edited by chatty lady (08/22/07 05:21 PM)