Lynn, I don't have enough words or space here to express just how much I, for one, love and care about you. There is not a day or even an hour that you walk alone, my friend, though I know from painful experience that it does seem that way at times. But you are ALWAYS and CONSTANTLY in my heart, in my prayers, in a very special place in my heart and I LOVE carrying you with me throughout my day. It's a JOY and an honour to "walk with you" even if only in spirit, prayer and care.

Your plate is overwhelmingly full, it must seem as if there is nothing but pain surrounding you and facing you in the near future. I grieve with you, I feel your fear as if it's my own, I understand all too well the maelstrom of emotions that must be playing on your heart, soul, mind and spirit, changing from one moment to the next, and so exhausting and frightening in intensity.

All I can say is that "this too shall pass", because it does, though very slowly and painfully at times! Breathe deeply, deliberately breathe in big gulps of peace, life and focus your inner eye on the immense power that is in you to get you through this, one moment, one hour, one day at a time. Lean on God, lean on us, lean on the love that you know deep down in your heart is there with and for you. Let us be one of the crutches that will help you through this "valley of shadows" that looms around and ahead of you. You do not walk alone, though in that darkness it's often hard to feel Presence.

I wish I could be there to physically be there for/with you. But please know that you are firmly entrenched in my heart of hearts and have been for a very long time and will continue to be for a very long time to come. I carry you, pray for you, cry with you and walk with you in spirit and with great joy and love for you.

And I KNOW, with every fiber of my being, that I'm not the only one here who feels this profound care for you - you are more deeply loved and cared for than you can imagine. We are walking through this painful time with you.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)