Hi friends! I'm back!
Eagle: I couldn't agree more with Dotsie. Your words are full of truth and wisdom!

God not only loves, but yearns for us to come to him with our problems, needs, gratitudes, etc. So many times, and in different ways, he bids us come to him. So,friends, please never be afraid to ask of him. Never be afraid to bring your burdens to him, never be afraid to express your deepest concerns, sorrows, mishaps,etc. His intrest for each of us is so great...

He is honored when we request of him big and/or "impossible" things. For in doing so, we recognize His ability, His power, His greatness and His inmeasurable love and caring for each of us.

Lynnie and Gerrbeck: I am saddened to hear the struggles you are facing. But the Lord has a way for each of you. He will provide and He will support you along the way. Keep trusting in Him. The God who made water flow from the rock in the desert, still opens fountains of blessings for his children in the deserts of uncertainties we face today. .

I will hold you both in my prayers, trusting we will see God's work and wonders in your lives!
In His love, Songbird