Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, poems, and suggestions. Gerri, I am sorry for all that you are going through at once! Sharon, you are in Australia, and "The Secret" had a publishing in Sydney. And the teachings of Abraham are mentioned in the acknowledgments section of "The Secret." Do you know Rhonda Byrne? Has this been mentioned in the BWS forums and I missed it? I've watched (and loaned) my copy of The Secret many times, as well as reading the book aloud with my husband. Dotsie, you are many wonderful things, but no, you are not nuts! You are that last person I would call "nuts." I have a's really not in real estate. It's all about my book and sharing my story to open lines of communication. My dream would be international publication and noteriety, and thus more awareness of the hope and healing that can occur after DV and CSA. My husband signed up for real estate school today. After reading the Secret. I don't know the correlation, and I don't care. Momentum is momentum! Love and Light, Lynnie aka Princess Lenora