First off, Lynnie, I will pray for you and we'll all pray for each other. You ladies are wonderful. I also have a prayer request. My husband lost his job last week. He had just gotten his full release from workman's comp after an injury in January when he broke 3 ribs, then had complications....
Anyway, he's been working, just lighter duty. A friend had made a comment to me a few months back when asking how Richard was doing. He told me to be prepared because chances are when workmen's comp releases him for regular work duty, they would let him go. He said he'd seen it happen many times. Well, he turned in his doctors note Monday, Tuesday was his day off, When he went in Wednesday, they let him go. It was very upsetting. We have been in the middle of a horrible year. He had surgery in December for another problem, had just gotten over that when he had the accident. We had briefly separated for awhile at that point, (another long story). He had complications from the ribs, blood filling his chest cavity causing two hospital stays and 2 surgeries. Anyway, my work has been slow too, so I am looking for other avenues of income. Then to make matters worse, Thursday night when my son got up to go to the bathroom, he noticed a lot of water coming from under the bathroom sink, the bathroom quickly flooded, the hallway, part of my bedroom and a little in my daughters room, we managed to contain it by that point. We were up all night with the wet vac sucking up water, cleaning up the mess. We spent all day Friday and Saturday cleaning up the mess, shampooing carpet! I will say, one bright spot in this is that my husband is very handy around the house and was able to fix the problem without calling a plummer, so that saved us a bundle! Then to add insult to injury, after getting a couple hours of sleep in the wee hours Friday, I woke up and went to the front living room where Lula, our dog had a seizure and had "an accident". I wanted to scream! What next?! So, it was not a good week. There is another issue we are dealing with, but I don't have time to get into that one right now. Let me just ask for prayers because we really need them right now! One thing that I am truly concerned about is income, I am really adamant about homeschooling, I don't want to put the kids back in Public School. We'll work it out one way or another though.
I have to run now, just wanted to make a quick visit to the forum to visit my lady friends and see what everyone is up to. Thanks ladies!