I love escargots. We buy tinned ones and make it with shitake mushrooms, garlic and shallots, with herbs maybe wine white, then barely sauteed, we wrap it up in phyllo and bake it for about 10-15 min. It's a lovely elegant, easy meal.

I have had periwinkles..they are in tiny shells... I never knew what they were before until 1 of my cousins recently immigrated from China, invited us over for dinner. Their style of cooking is abit different from my mother's.

I did prepare pheasant (just the meat) several years ago, for a birthday entree dish for my partner. It wasn't cheap. I have eaten wild boar (which I can't remember the taste). Had pigeon once. It was abit fatty.

When I was a child, my mother made an interesting Chinese rabbit soup several times. Just so tender the meat. It was cooked with certain Chinese herbs, including jujube berries. I would eat/order rabbit if prepared elegantly with wine and herbs. But we wouldn't serve it to family: one of his daughter's favourite pets is a big black rabbit. Hops around with the dog.

I eat meat less now , about 1-2 times per week. It's been just a gradual withdrawal over past decade. More to save money...and I'm just lazy. Meat takes longer to cook.

I enjoy most seafoods...except sea cucumber...ugh. Gelantinous taste. I have tried at least 4-5 different types of seaweed...remember it's plants of the sea.

There is no question if you introduce very diffferent foods to children at a young age in small amounts, they will tend to be more exploratory eaters later. ...which is helpful if they need to stay healthy later in life by switching their cooking styles/dishes completely.

Most likely I will always eat some meat.. I would like my palate to be flexible no matter where I travel...in order to survive....because sometimes you don't have much of a choice. I have learned this the hard way, by cycling in more remote areas of Canada.

All of my sisters' children do eat unusual stuff and are taught to try foods for awhile before passing judgement. Which alas, includes sinful foods.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)