So glad you've come here. It has been one (1) difficult, painful year since my husbamd passed last July 9. I am slowly becoming again, the woman he fell in love with. I must say that Hospice Grief Support helped me tremendously. I've read every book on grief and widows I could get my hands on. Many resources speak of re-inventing oneself. Its not all that its cracked up to be, in my opinion. We've loved, were lovable and capable of many things before our loved one was take from us. I for one, believe we can be who we were, only better, stronger and learn to care for ourselves and others in loss, the grief, the bills, the mortgage and the loneliness, I nearly fell apart when the smallest household task required fixing. I can't tell you how good it felt when I successfully solved one thing at a time. Over time, and its a short time for me, I've become stronger and while I am still often fearful of the unknown, I have become more capable and stronger. I focused on work and "willed" myself strong enough to earn a promotion. I can barely keep our house but I am speak to him constantly and pray often and feel closer to God than I ever have. I hope that some of what I have said will inspire you and help you realize just how far you've come. You have faced excruciating pain and are reaching out to others to learn still more about moving through this new path. Blessings to you my brave new friend! Please share more with us. This is such a wonderful place to come for love and support.

Cynthia "cynthyy"