Dear Char222, I'm sure you will be getting some advice here. I can only imagine how hard this is for you. I can't speak from experience, but I can tell you how my Mom coped with my father's death.

Shortly after he died she took a course in real estate. As soon as she got her licence she got a job at a real estate office near our home. Her colleagues were a merry bunch, and it was just what she needed. She hardly sold anything, but that didn't matter. Evenings she mourned deeply, but her life during the day, helped her recover and find her way back to herself.

So, I guess the secret is distraction and keeping yourself busy. Connect with happy people, and set yourself little goals. My mother was a housewife her entire marriage and didn't have a clue about business. She was totally dependent on my father, never did any paper work, or paid any bills. Not only was my father the love of her life, he managed everything. So believe me when I say if she could do it, you can too.

Just posting here is a step in the right direction. We'll help you along, step by step.