I heard from my son tonight. He is not coming back. He has a place to stay and his friend has a good job and is going to help him find a place and a job.

He said he has been to treatment too many times so what is the point in going. He knows what he has to do. He is in a city that is full of jobs for young men in the construction industry. Maybe hanging out with some other males will do him good, out in the fresh air.

Whatever it will do me good to have a break from the insanity.

The only problem is there will be a warrant out for his arrest as he is not to leave the province. He will have to deal with that one. It is not for any big crime but he won't be able to come back until he deals with it. He is going to try to get the order transferred to where he is.

I wished him all the best and told him I will be there for him but not in a financial way, nor will my home ever be an option. He seems to get that and says that is why he chose to leave. He needs a change and a new start.

Who knows, I may have some good news on this post yet.