My son did not leave. He called me yesterday after spending yet another night at his druggie friends house. He said he was on his way but I'm not sure if this is the case as they have no where to go. When he called he asked me if I could meet up with him before he left. I said I didn't think so unless he wanted to tell me why he wanted to meet up. Sounds harsh but he has never called me in over 6 years for anything other than to bum money or because he wanted something. So, in character he said he could use something to eat and could I buy him lunch. I said I'm sorry but I can't. I said this is it, I'm tired of being used. He said ok and hung up.

After that call I was so upset. I felt like he doesn't care about me at all, that to him I am just a bank. I felt better later as the hardest thing to do is to not take what they do or say personally, it's the addiction. Easier said then done.
I'm going to find out when Alateen meets as I know that my daughter is feeling the affects of this. She doesn't say much but I heard her talking to a friend on the phone and she said that she feels sad about her brother.

It is really time for me to focus on my kids and that is what I am going to do. My eldest son is lost and there is nothing that I can do for him anymore.