I cheerish every minute I spend with my 86 year old mother. She is now blind, and the anger I feel of knowing that it could have been prevented, plus watching her waste unnecessarily while she sits within her herself, in darkeness... I visit with her daily, she apologizes for causing me so much trouble; I thank her for the opportunity of sharing and helping her. I remind her that life is like a wheel. As young ones our parents care for us, and do the best they know how; as time lapses, and our parents get older and needier, it is our time- the children, to care for them. It is part of the wheel of life... when I ask people to please care for my mother as they would with their own, my husband reminds me that there are lots of people who hate their mothers... it saddens me when the realization sinks in. The reality is that in fact, that is true, how sad that some cannot raise above their painful experiences by way of realizing that we are all HUMAn/ parents included. We all do what we think is right at specific times. Most of the time, parents act out their frustrations, limitations, and painful upbringing on their children without the realization of the pain they are inflicting...to hurt them back when they need us, it to act out, what they did to us; and the cycle will continue.
this is the legacy we will leave for our children to learn to do to us...
It is not a matter of teaching or being afraid that it would be done to us, but the issue at hand it to be greater than anything wrong or painful pieces of our childhood; I believe is overcoming the little broken pieces;put them together and see beauty in its creation, the individual character that each of us have created while and becoming whole.