Our relative was forced to pay thousands of dollars for aids to sit in her room. Mrs. Rose had hospice which should have covered her care by aids under medicare. Our relative lost her liberty over the telephone with no legal representation, no evidence and no notice. Just so you know, a landmark legal case Grant vs. Johnson (Federal Court Oregon) makes it a civil rights violation to do a temporary guardianship/conservatorship with no notice.She was drugged with anti psychotics to chemically straight jacket her. And she never did make it home. She died in state custody, state confinement and involuntary incarceration. The family was bypassed to act as conservator and nobody listened to Mrs. Rose when she said she wanted more than anything to be with her family and they won't let me go. How does this happen? Elders need to live close to their family, if they have family, or near friends. Put your children or close friends or relatives on your bank accounts and deeds to homes. Our relative retired in Carmel, CA. She died skin and bones with open lesions and severe bruising looking like a POW in her board and "care" in Carmel. She, a woman of means, became a ward of the state. The county conservator even sold her personal property and our personal property while she was alive--furniture, pots and pans, even her shoes for about $2. It has been over six months since her alleged wrongful death and the county conservator won't tell us where the few items of personal property are located. Our property and inheritance has been confiscated for over six months and we have been recently told it is in some basement in Salinas, CA. The Monterey County Conservator asked for (and court okayed) $50,000.00 in fees for 20 months "work". Now they are asking less, one fourth of the estate they bankrupted. And the county public conservator placed an obituary in the paper and charged the estate. (no such request was made from Mrs. Rose in her will). Not anyone's idea of freedom or respecting old age. Write your senators and congressman and news stations or maybe c-span and public tv. These scams are getting worse, not better. Raven, keep us posted on your lawsuits. We are in ongoing federal litigation. We all need to get this topic to the press and media. Johnny