To make a very long story shorter, in 2002 my father had a minor mental stroke but he could no longer operate the family bakery business, so it was sold in 2003. My cousin in Florida made it her life's goal to take advantage of the situation and convinced my father to visit her for a "vacation", which he used to do frequently. Once he got to Florida, she convinced him that my mother and I were out to get him, find a sleeze of an attorney, revoked my mother's power of attorney and was appointed POA, tried to cash a check for over $50,000.00 and hid him from us for nearly 3 months. My mother was falling apart in NY, my dad was somewhere in FL and I was living in CA with my family. In July of 2004 I phoned the Florida hot line to report my cousin's activities. I was lied to and told I could not have guardianship because I did not live in the state, so they suggested the Jewish Family Services of West Palm Beach act as a temporary emergency guardian to get my cousin out of the picture and return my father to NY. I flew to the hearing in Sept of 2004, and was again told I could not be the guardian, so JFS assumed permanent status and was worse than my cousin's activities. We finally managed to get my dad out of there in May of 2005 and then discovered that the agency and their attorneys spent nearly $250,000.00 of my father's life savings in this guardianship scam. $25,000,00 when to the "divorce" attorney and over $50,000.00 went to the "guardians" and their attorney, Mark Shalloway , who happens to be the Vice President of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. In spite of a court order dated Oct 11, JFS and the Shalloways have still not returned the remaining funds in my father's account in Florida which he needs to pay his expenses. I've phoned and written everyone from Washington D.C. down to the Palm Beach Mayor's office and not ONE elected official, social service or any other non-profit agency can or will do a thing to help.
By chance I found a web site and contacted the founder. Her agency only has NY and FL scammers listed, and we're committed to go after ALL parties, lawyers, agencies, even JUDGES to expose this horror which will only get worse before it gets better. SO, if anyone knows of someone, or if you have been a victim of the guardianship "system", please visit my egroup at:

Thanks to everyone and the very best HOLIDAY to all!

Raven West