Hannelore, I'm so glad you found someone whose company she enjoys. I look forward to hearing more stories about them. Your mom seems so agreeable. That's a bonus!

A little over a year ago, we were looking for a companion for a loved one. We didn't have nearly the luck you had. I can't believe you had all those responses. We even went through agencies and could hardly find a soul. And when we did, she hung around for a week or so, and then our loved one's wallet got lost/stolen. She helped him look for it and it was never found. Then she never showed up for work again. We put two and two together and figured she must have stolen the wallet. What a sad situation that was. We dropped that agency and that was that.

Be careful to keep your mom's valuables locked up, or at your home.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.