If you're looking for one with money, you won't find him at the racetrack or casino. They are all broke or working on it.

If you're looking for a thrifty one, try the Thrift stores or the Flea Market. Don't do Pawn shops in this case.

If you're looking for a handyman, find one with a run down shack. He's too good at his job to fix up his own place.

Stay away from bartenders...they know too much, or think they do.

Check out the walking trails. Note: If he's not a walker, he's probably a stalker.

If he's at the park with kids, he could a divorcee. Stay away...he has kids!

If he's at the gym, steer clear. Who wants to try and keep up with that?

If he's sitting on a park bench, move quickly. That's his bed.

If he's under a bridge,well, nothing more I can say about that one.

If he's in a movie theatre, check for snoring.

An OBGYN does not make a great partner. I mean, what would you talk about....oh yeah sure, you say that now.

Your new man could be anywhere. I found mine in a bar....and it's not what you think.
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~