So called because we're taking care of both parents and children. The sandwich feels like grilled cheese, fried on both sides and melting n the middle!

There are so many stories on elder abuse, financial abuse of seniors I've decided to specialize in Elder Law when I graduate law school in 2007. It is a NATIONAL problem, with no national agency or organization willing or able to take it on.... YET.

No one ever warned us, nor prepared us for the nightmare of aging parents and how to deal with taking care of them when their job was to take care of us. Especially hard when a distant relative enters into to picture and tries to destroy a family, which is what happened in my case. Nearly everything my father worked for his entire life was drained out of his savings into the pockets of LAWYERS in south Floirda, one of whom is the Vice-President of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys! On one hand, Mark Shalloway preaches advocacy for the elderly while his other hand is in the pocketbooks of the very people he says he's trying to protect!

It's disgusting. But the fight has only just begun.

Our generation needs to band together, Women AND Men. We must get the word out beyond Internet forums. Women can change the world, although it will take time, I do believe there is hope and there is help on every level. To all who are in the middle of a fried sandwich, hang in there and stay strong!