I am posting for the first time ever without glasses or contacts, and it feels great! Yippee!

On Tuesday, I went back to my eye doctor to get my new contact lenses for the vision correction system. They are rigid, gas-permeable lenses that I sleep in overnight. The first two nights, I didn't sleep very well because first, I felt like I had grit under my eyelids, and second, because I was afraid that the lenses would fall out. (They didn't fall out and they are now so comfortable, I hardly know I have them in.) Wed morning, I put my glasses on as usual and everything was a little blurry for both distance and up close. But I put my contacts in and went off to work. Thursday morning, same thing. By Friday, neither my contacts nor my glasses helped at all, and I could see quite clearly for distance. Went to Target and picked up a pair of cheap reading glasses so I could at least read. Yesterday and today, I didn't even need them. I was able to read today with no eye strain, and can read everything on the computer just fine.

Sorry for going on about this, but I've been wearing glasses for 20 some years, and contacts for a little over 10. Being able to see without either is exciting!! And, in case you didn't notice, I'm ecstatic!!!!!
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich