[Smile] Smile:
One of this forum’s greatest advantages is that we can all share our different views. And I’m sure we can benefit from these discussions. I understand it can get confusing to read so many different views. When you wonder what of all you hear or read to believe, pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you as you study the Word of God. I believe it’s the safest way to go.

[Cool] Eagle:
In the Bible we find many names for Jesus/God. I understand that God, in his infinite love for mankind, wants us to be able to relate with him in the different aspects of our lives. The good shepherd, the light of the world, the father, the Way, the Life, etc.; each name conveys us different aspects of His love and care for us; each name will minister to us in different situations too.

He came to be among us, sinners, he took the humiliation, the criticism, the pain, the agony that separation from His father caused by the burden of sins he bore, to show us how to live and love; love Him and our fellow men. And that is the core of his message: LOVE. He even instructed us to love our enemies. What’s great about his message is that he not only tells us to, he showed us how to. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a loving God?

[Razz] Posted by Danita: “God’s love doesn’t demand a change, it produces a change!”

[Wink] Danita: I agree with you. When we prayerfully consider the depth of His love and his teachings, we can’t be the same. His way, his love, all he went through to show mankind HIS LOVE for us… once you get to know him personally, you can never be the same. When you KNOW him you’re moved to love him. Once you love him, you’re moved by his love to serve him.

[Smile] Lionspaaw:
I respect your view on the subject of death/heaven.
About your question regarding others who never had the opportunity to learn about God, I believe they are judged by their faithfulness to what they knew/learned. I believe it is contrary to God’s loving character to judge someone otherwise.

May God bless each one as we try to dig deep into His Word, and learn to love each other regardless of our different opinions.