I have been married for a little over 3 years. We met ballroom dancing. My husband openly admits that he was looking, I was just content to do my dancing, but looks like the universe had other plans for me! He also admits that he prefers younger women. As I mentioned in my previous post, I had no interest in an older man. My husband does not look his age...I thought he was in his late 50's but he was 65!! This Sept. he will be celebrating his 70th. My 17 year old daughter thinks it is totally gross, and my 20 year old son is happy that I have someone who cares for me, and has made my life easier. I had been single for a long time, so marriage was a huge adjustment for me, but it would have been like that no matter who I married. I had forgotten that marriage is work, but it is worth it. Here is something to make it even more interesting.....he has a law practice that has been established for years and it is 3 hours away. So, he is only home from Thurs.-Sun. Actually, this has worked out great for us because it gives me time with my children during the week and to spend the huge amount of time on my business that I need. He loves his work and would go crazy if he didn't have it. When he comes home, we spend our time together. Some women I have spoken to think it is a great set up..haha. Even though it is not conventional, it works for us.
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