I have strayed far beyond the scriptural tenets and yet have continously come face to face with the Mercy and Compassion of God. He has crept into my dark and hellish nightmare of a life and has sat Himself right down there in that hellhole with me, cradling me, nourrishing me, forgiving me back to life and light.

I cannot ever fathom that this same God would not be able to see into the heart of each and every soul that meets Him on that final journey and KNOW that soul back into His loving, merciful kingdom.

One thing I know with absolute certainty is that I am and will never be in a position to decide or judge any other human being in that regard. But I do believe that I am in a position to help pray any soul into the Father's care and mercy.

My own fervant prayer is that I not die before I've truly learned to live abundantly and to love unconditionally and compassionately all of God's other children.